One step closer to Dr. King's dream...

What an amazing day...45 years ago Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech on the mall in Washington D.C. and here were are 47 years later on the verge of inaugurating our first African-American president! It gives me chills and brings me to tears.

J and I have taken tomorrow off of work to watch all of the festivities and historical moment on CNN. We're are so excited it is palpable. Akin to that feeling a kid has on Christmas Eve. We are filled with hope and pride. Tomorrow we will all witness history being made and a shift in the American political paradigm. Where will you be?


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I don't exactly feel all tingly and Christmas Eve like but this is definitely a very historic and significant day. I am also looking forward to change from what we have had the last several years. I had expected much better.