Yesterday I was at work for 11 hours. Yep. On a Saturday. One of our annual committee meetings. It was a long day, but a fairly productive one. The weather outside? Was horrible! In fact the lights flickered in our board room due to weather. I was charged with driving the three out of town committee members back to the hotel after meeting and there was so much water on the road and hard rain coming down that I was extra cautious. Also coming home I took it easy. We have had so much rain this season that flooding is an issue because they ground is so saturated. With the hurricanes coming through the Gulf Coast, we get the left over bands of rain making their way north to Oklahoma.
Today? The weather is GORGEOUS! It's about 68 degrees and low humidity. We have all of the windows open and there's a great cross breeze. So nice. One the otherhand, I am pooped and also watching the news channels for reports from Texas. They certainly have a lot of recovery work ahead of them. I am hoping this is the last hurricane of the season. The people of the Gulf Coast have received enough trauma for one summer.
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