A-Z...All about me

I borrowed this from JME's World...thought it would be fun to post here!

A-Z...All about me:

Accent: Californian? I don't know...I guess some folks detect it. I don't think it's that strong though.

Breakfast or no breakfast: Yes! I've got to start the day with at least some toast or something in my tummy.

Chore I don’t care for: Cleaning the bathroom.

Dog or Cat: Both...two dogs and a cat.

Electronics: Desperately need a new laptop! Would love a new flat screen TV too. We're a little behind the times.

Favorite Perfume: Michael Kors Island:Hawaii

Gold or Silver: Silver/Platinum/White Gold

Handbag I carry most often: Red! I have a few, but they're all red!

Insomnia: Sometimes, but not lately.

Job Title: Director of Education/Executive Team Member

Kids: Not yet

Living Arrangements: Hubby, mommy and furbabies

Most Admirable Trait: Eternal optimist.

Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Wandering away when in public. I cannot tell you how many times I sent my mother into a panic trying to find me in the mall or grocery store nor how many times I remember hearing my name called over the loud speaker.

Overnight hospital stays: Not since I was born.

Phobias: Bugs, tornados and thunderstorms

Quote: "Fake it 'til you make it!"

Reason to smile: J and I have the day off tomorrow...together!

Siblings: Seven! A twin brother, younger brother, step-sister, step-brother, adopted sister and two adopted brothers.

Time I wake up: 4:45 a.m.

Unusual Talent or Skill: I am very loud, especially when singing!

Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Lima beans

Worst Habit: Impatience

X-rays: Teeth for sure. MRI for knee in 1991. Random xrays for ankles and wrists.

Yummy Stuff: Pineapple, Sushi, Thai Food, Moroccan food and any lemon dessert!

Zoo Animal I Like Most: Giraffes and Zebras. J loves the hippos, of course!


jme said...

I love that you took this one! It is a fun way to learn about others! I want to see some pics of your pugbabies too!